Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bar craze

So this post is not about something I've made recently. It's about this craze I'm on right now - BARS! and it's not those bars that we go get drunk and silly at. It's a much healthier addiction. I'm talking about fruit and nut bars, granola bars, health bars.. chewy or crunchy, it's my new favorite snack.

So here's my mission - go out and find / try as many different bars I can get my hands on in the Bay Area. They have to be healthy, little saturated fat and (wishful thinking) almost all natural ingredients. So far I'm eating these: Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Nut, the crunchy Nature Valley ones in brown sugar maple, peanut butter and honey oats, Odwalla Chewy Nut bars and the Luna bars. I also tried this other one from New Zealand (which I forgot what theyre called) that my cousins gave me on their second round-the-world mega trip.
It's interesting to note that in the US, we use a lot of corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup in the bars, but in Australia and New Zealand they use rice syrup instead. Which one's better, I have no clue. I'm just looking at fat content! hahhahaa.. well, we'll see how long this craze will last.. maybe I'll just go back to homemade granola and yogurt.

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