Friday, October 2, 2009

Nothing smells better...

... than freshly baked Brioche!

My apartment smells like a bakery. I started my Bubble-Top Brioche project last night with making the dough, letting the yeast do its magic and then deflating it a couple times to give it the lacy strands when pulled apart. What I didn't realise was how long I had to wait before I took my first bite of this buttery, luxurious-textured treat!
A brioche is a viennoiserie, French for Viennese specialties. As Dorie Greenspan describes, a brioche as part bread, part cake. The yeast makes it a bread, but the milk and eggs make it cake-like, which essentially gives it such a wonderful character.
This was the first time I've made a viennoiserie or any kind of bread for that matter. It's tough work! There's just so much care, time and patience that goes into making them. But it's definitely worth it! I think I have a new found respect and love for people who make them for a living. Next time, I'll try putting pistachios, almonds or hazelnuts, chocolate chips and maybe some dried fruit, like the ones you can get at Thomas Keller's Bouchon Bakery.

Although a brioche is not necessarily a dessert, every now and then I'll blog about breads, pastries and other savory baked treats.
Serve the brioche warm with a cup of latte as a breakfast or afternoon tea treat, or save some leftovers for the perfect French toast or a decadent brioche bread pudding.

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